I continue to be gravely concerned by the humanitarian crisis that is happening in Gaza. I remain greatly concerned by the suffering that the Palestinian people are facing as their homes are turned into graveyards.

I have been working tirelessly to make a meaningful difference by advocating for an immediate ceasefire and a long-lasting, peaceful two-state solution in the region.

You can view all the action I have taken and follow my ongoing work in the Commons to address this issue since the horrific attacks took place on 7th October on my website. I have included below the specific links from my website to my previous monthly updates which may be helpful to you:


I have spoken in numerous debates in Parliament, submitted written questions and supported many motions all relating to this conflict and the need for peace which you can find here.

Rafah Offensive

I am horrified by the scenes coming out of Rafah. The Israeli Government’s decision to launch an all-out invasion of Rafah, despite repeated warnings from allies and the International Court of Justice (ICJ), is deeply worrying and poses the risk of genocide.

Half of all Gaza’s children are currently trapped in Rafah, where they are facing famine. Many have already died of starvation, dehydration and disease and I am gravely alarmed at Israel’s decision to close the Rafah and Karem Shalom crossing, cutting entry of aid into the area off completely. This is a clear violation of international humanitarian law.

I am doing all I can to push the Government to prevent the loss of civilian life and all out destruction of Gaza. On the 7th of May, I called on the Deputy Foreign Minister to place an arms embargo on Israel immediately, you can watch my full question here.

The situation in Rafah is volatile and I am closely monitoring updates from the region. I will continue to push the Government to condemn Netanyahu’s actions in the strongest possible terms and move to suspend arms sales immediately.

The need for a ceasefire

I have been consistently clear in my view that we need an immediate long-lasting ceasefire in Gaza, the Israeli Government to be held accountable for war crimes at the ICJ, an end to settler expansion, the recognition of the sovereign state of Palestine alongside Israel, and an international commitment to support a political process towards a two-state solution.

In the House of Commons, I shared the devastating story of Zain Arouq, an orphaned 12-year-old Palestinian child who was tragically killed by an airdrop when searching for scraps of food. I held the Prime Minister directly accountable for the Conservative Government’s failure to follow the UN Security Council’s demands to apply pressure on Israel and adhere to a full immediate ceasefire.

Zain’s death is yet another terrible reminder of the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. A ceasefire would not only bring a much-needed end to violence, and prevent deaths like Zain’s, but would also have ensured the safe passage of life-saving aid to starving families trapped in Gaza.

We must stand together and demand the UK Government take swift and decisive action in demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to prevent further loss and disruption of aid. If Israel fails to comply, it must face repercussions.

Read more here.

Aid to Gaza

There is still too little aid getting into Gaza as vital medical supplies have been caught up in Israel’s restriction of aid to Gaza which senior UN officials stated had brought large parts of the territory to the brink of a “man-made famine.”

I can assure you that I wholeheartedly support all efforts to get humanitarian aid, food and medical assistance into Gaza to urgently help those in dire need.

The Labour Party and I have been calling for the Government to restate funding for UNRWA. I remain deeply disappointed that the Government are delaying a decision on this. UNRWA is essential in providing life-saving aid to millions of civilians in Gaza who are facing famine. The UK must show leadership on this and join other major donors in stepping up support for Gaza by resuming this funding.

Israel and International law

Over the last six months, tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed and millions have been displaced in what is now the longest-continuous military occupation in modern history. Yet, the UK Government have failed to condemn the heinous violations of international law by Israel, making us complicit in the occupation, apartheid, and genocide happening in Palestine.

The UK has a clear obligation to promote human rights at home and internationally. I believe this means the UK Government must suspend arms sales to Israel and do all they can to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance to prevent even more unimaginable suffering in the region.

I recently spoke in Parliament urging the Government stop being complicit in serious violations of international law and deter Israel from committing further atrocities, watch here.

I co-wrote an article in The New Arab to highlight the shared struggle for peace and freedom in Palestine and Kashmir. Israel’s occupation of Palestine and India’s occupation of Kashmir have catastrophically destroyed the lives and livelihoods of its people. We must condemn countries, like Israel and India, that continue to show utter contempt for international law and human rights. The international community has a moral obligation to provide meaningful support for oppressed groups around the world and help work towards a fair and just resolution. Read more about this in my article here.

I will continue to do everything in my powers to make a meaningful difference by advocating for an immediate ceasefire and a long-lasting, peaceful two-state solution in the region.

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