I recently had a chance to join Manchester Refugee Support Network (MRSN) and Moss Side Eco Squad for a litter pick to celebrate MRSN’s 30th anniversary. The one hour litter pick was attended by volunteers from across the Moss Side community and I was impressed that in one hour, 17 volunteers collected over 35 bags of rubbish.
Flytipping and litter is an eyesore for residents and causes problems within communities. Constituents often write to me about these issues and I know that tackling these problems at a systematic level is vital. However, the work volunteers to do keep our community cleaner on a day-to-day basis is invaluable and I want to thank them all for their work.
Over the years, MRSN have been a flagstone of Moss Side and beyond, providing support to refugees and asylum seekers to ensure everyone can live with dignity. If you would like to access MRSN for support or to volunteer, you can visit their website here.
If you would like to join Moss Side Eco Squad for future litter picks, follow them on social media here.
I look forward to joining future litter picks!